Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Winning Sure Is Fun!

We are smack in the middle of ALL STAR Baseball Season. 
This means Friday through Sundays with up to 12 games to watch between Luke and Jack's teams.
And HH and I love it. 
It is probably one of our favorite times of the year. 
He is in his element coaching and I simply try to limit the amount of grey added to my head during those stressful close games. 

This weekend Luke's team won a tournament. 
This is just a little peek into how we celebrated Montana Style, farmer tans included. 

Whitefish 12U All Star Team

Grandma was a trooper and went to every single game. 

Rare photo of me taken by Grandma. Don't know what I am doing with my arm.

And Toots joining the team festivities.

When this team wins, they jump in the nearest river. 

Don't mention his farmer/baseball coach tan!

Love that these coaches jump with their boys.

Summer fun. Love these kids. 


  1. geesh they are getting SO big! glad they have had the chance to be on a winning team. that is so much fun. my oldest had the opposite experience this year. boooo! so NOT fun;)

  2. Oh my gosh, those bridge pictures are AWESOME! What a memorable time for everyone there. And holy smokes- could your hubby be any more ripped? Whoo-eeee girl!


Thanks for your words my friends!