Monday, November 9, 2009


I used to be able to do the splits.

Those days are long past.

Now, when I try to do them... well... it hurts!

Those muscles are tight not looking at this point and comfortable in the way they are normally used.
They don't want to go past or further than what is required of them on a routine basis.

During a worship song at church yesterday, I looked around at all the people we will be moving away from and thought of all the comfortable places and people in this town for me and suddenly realized that I am being STRETCHED.

And tears rolled down my face because


it hurts.

Out of the comfortable and familiar, away from my loved ones, there will be stretching

and growth
and maturity
and all those things that are good really,

but things that create discomfort in the process.



Farmgirl Paints said...

It will be painful...but the end result will be worth it. Following your dreams and going where God has lead you...what great blessing can you have!

Foursons said...

He is going to do great and mighty things through you!

Anonymous said...

Change is hard, but so worth it.

Lisa Howard said...

I am with you...I don't much like stretching at the time. But it will be so worth it in the end. God has plans for you, and they are good!