How's that for a title to draw you in?
I have entirely too much to say.
First, I have to show you the view from our deck last night.
Usually, we don't get that kind of view in the winter.
Usually, that lake is frozen and covered with white snow.
To see a reflection like this on the ice (and that is ice) is rare.
But, we have had some abnormally warm temperatures that have melted the snow.
I did two things when I saw the moon.
Of course, I grabbed my camera.
But, I also took Little Bear outside and introduced him to the moon.
You see, we've had a lot of cloudy skies and so the moon isn't visible very often.
He is at that age where he recognizes it in books, but he hadn't been able to meet the moon in person yet.
I took him outside and showed him.
He pointed and said- moon, moon,moon.
Then we sang-
I see the moon and the moon sees me
The moon sees somebody I can't see
God bless the moon and God bless me
God bless somebody I can't see
Then I went inside and fixed the nasty rugs in my kitchen, the ones that catch all the dirt and snow and uck that comes in from outside. The one's that cover the white tile in the kitchen that I dislike quite a bit. Wasn't that a nice way to say that?
I left the kitchen and helped with some homework.
I went back into the kitchen and discovered this.
and this
You must not notice the dirt on my kitchen floors because real friends always ignore dirt on kitchen floors.
And I'll be cleaning them today and washing the rugs alrightalready!
Apparently, Little Bear thinks our kitchen floor makes a nice bed.
And that those things on the floor are blankets.
Jackie Boy decided to join him.
Strange children I tell you!
And if I wanted to send something out on Twitter (you can follow me here) about my strange children, I might want to read this post by Nathan Bransford about how to use Twitter, because I am just not that savvy with it yet.

Silly boys! That moon photo is wonderful, Brigetta. I adore moonlight. And what a sweet moment, to purposefully introduce little bear to the moon. He's getting so big. Makes me want to visit Whitefish. We've been in the high 70s and 80s this last week and while it's nice I find myself saying, "Hey, where did my winter go. I'm not tired of my cute jackets yet."
i love how you love your boys. i can just feel it right through my screen. oh and that picture was one of the prettiest i've ever seen!! i just
It looks cold where you live.. brrr.. In So. Cal we are ending a two week long heat way... my kids wore shorts and flip flops to school.. crazy
Love to you
I've Become My Mother
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