Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Multiple Choice

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!"Deuteronomy 30:19

This is one of my favorite scriptures because it is like God gives us a multiple choice question, but then says, "Wait though, because this is the answer. Choose Life! Choose the blessing!" He can't stand the thought of us choosing death. He stands and witnesses with heaven and earth, saying daily, "Oh, that you would choose life." Yes, he speaks that over you my friend.

Isn't this how we feel about our own children too? Don't we speak and desire life for them? How much more then must He desire life for each of his children. 

So I was thinking- how do we choose life?

We choose to be grateful in all circumstances. We live with thankfulness for the joy of

a bubble bath.

We take time rest so that we can let our bodies be renewed.

We celebrate the relationships God has given us and forgive and let go of bitterness so we can be whole.

We take time to hold a hand of someone in need and and help them walk in healing into a new day.

We refuse to be numb to the beauty that surrounds us and look with wonder at the variety in creation.

We choose not to live in fear, but instead live with courage as more than conquerers and take that leap.

And spread our wings, knowing we were created for a great purpose.

We choose to eat food that nourishes our bodies and give up overindulgence in the substances that kill our cells.

We choose to go outside and breathe and refuse to be sucked in be the technologies that vie for our attention.

We play and laugh and kiss and hug and throw snow balls.

We recognize the treasures around us.

We condition our bodies so that we are strong and resilient.
We run the race of this life determined to finish strong.

We act silly and goofy and choose not to take ourselves seriously. 

We live in the moment, cherishing each second we are given with those we love.

How do we choose life?


This is how that scripture finishes- "Now, choose life, so that you and your descendents might live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him."

Hold fast my friends and live!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully stated post today and great pictures. Enjoy the rest of your week.

ashley singh said...

what a wonderful post! you are a VERY talented writer!

Lena said...

Very nicely written! thanks for the reminder to enjoy each moment, to live for the Lord, to listen to His voice. And here I thought the book of Deutronomy was borring. :)

Farmgirl Paints said...

Lovely post. I choose to LIVE!!