Welcome to my blog! Whether you are new or come by often, I am so glad you are here.
I have been blogging for a little over a year now and have found that there are some really amazing women out there in the blogosphere. They make me think, they remind me what is important, they make me feel like I am not alone in my struggles, they encourage me, they give me really yummy recipes to try and cool photographic techniques to attempt.
Being a "mommy blogger" has gotten some flack in the media and has been trivialized. But,the ladies I know who write and post their thoughts and opinions and relate to other moms out there are amazing! There is nothing trivial about it.
Where else can you get potty training advice, craft ideas, writing workshops, photography tips, personal opinions on new hairstyles, comedic true life stories, prayer for your family, the latest nutritional information, diet and workout tips and insight into everything for FREE! Blogs are like a giant magazine with endless pages.
Plus, there is the bonus of friendships formed.
I know you are hopping around so I will be brief.
One thing you should know about me is that I strive to be transparent and authentic and tell the true story of what it is like for me to walk through this life with Hottie Husband by my side and raise 4 wild and delightful boys.
Sometimes its funny, sometimes its sad, sometimes its absolutely nutty, but I always, ALWAYS get pictures!
I just realized that in no way by my own savvy computer skills, but rather due to a video upload that froze my computer between laundry loads which created some funky timing to my benefit...
I am 5th on the UBP McLinky list!
SOOOOO, I am just going to have to do a giveway.
Let's say a $30 gift card to Sephora (an awesome beauty product and make-up store).
I chose Sephora because if I do Target, you will buy food or diapers or a birthday party gift. But, at Sephora you are more likely to buy something for yourself and YOU deserve something Mamasista!
Leave a comment (as many times as you like through the party week) and each time you will be entered. Follow along and be entered again.
Party On!!

1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Love the nickname for your 5 year old...Toots! My mom's best friend gave me the nickname Toot as a baby and it stuck. To this day she still calls me that. Anyway, dropping by from the UBP and am looking forward to reading more. Happy Friday!
there are some amazing women out there blogging aren't there! nice to meet your blog!
this is such fun!
I truly feel that women in this day and age are so lucky. I know how lucky I am to have blogs of other moms to read. It's really helped me as a mom myself, but it also is an enjoyable way to spend my evenings while reading through blogs. ;)
Following yours now. I love all of the photos!!
Just followed you. Your blog and family are adorable! Find more about me at http://thesnailstrail.blogspot.com/. Have fun at the UBP10 this week!
I have all boys too. Well, not 4 of them, just 2. But when my 2 sons and my brother's 2 sons get together, the sound of 4 boys running around the house gives me some idea what your life is like. We also have a chocolate Lab, if that's what Destructo Dog is. Luckily our girl is an older dog so she's calm. Great meeting you!
Cute blog! So nice to meet you. :)
It's nice to 'meet' you! Photos are awesome...and can tell a story all their own!!! Happy hopping!
There are a lot of amazing mom bloggers out there..and I learned so much from them!
Hey, can you hand me a drink... some hot tea would be nice. Okay, now I am all ready for this party.
Nice to meet you. Yeah, I agree there are some amazing ladies out there and blogging is a fabulous way to all get together. (saves paper, too!)
HIthere came by from UBP2010 and as a mom of 3 boys myself I hear ya.. and I keep a camera handy too, for phootgraphic proof when they get older and swear it never happened lol.
I pretty much gave up reading magazines once I discovered blogs. I love getting real advice from moms who don't claim to be perfect. Way to go up the top spot on the UBP post.
Love your blog :D And I'm stopping by from the party as well. :D Hope you'll stop by as well. :D
Mommy bloggers do get a bum rap-sometimes even by other mommy bloggers-but I personally am proud to be one =)
Happy UBP! I'd love to have you at my party if you get an extra moment...have a great week!
Love your blog! I'll have to look at your sewing stuff for sure, I'm just starting to sew.
Nice to meet you! Your kids are adorable!!
I couldn't agree more about mommy bloggers not being trivial. We have gotten a lot of flack and I think we've taken it in stride and come out stronger. Love your post :)
I love Sephora too! Happy blog party!
Party With Tiff (UBP post)
Visiting you from UBP!!! Have a great party yourself!!!!!I am now following your blog, you can follow mine at www.safehomehappymom.com
Awesome photos! Stopped by from the 2010 UBP :)
I love the name for all your kiddos! And destructo dog looks like she can do just that!
Love the look of your blog!
Nice to meet you!
"Blogs are like a giant magazine with endless pages."<---SO TRUE!
I love your blog design and I love Sephora!! I'll be back to comment again for sure!
Happy UBP'10!
*hands you the beverage of your choice* Happy UBP10!
I'm now a follwer!
Have a GREAT day! :-)
Just joining the party!!! I look forward to reading your blog and checking out some giveaways! Come check my out sometime. http://betweenthelines-kam.blogspot.com.
Hello, it's nice to meet you. :-) I feel like i should be holding a margarita glass as I check out this blog party this morning, but since it's not yet 8am, my coffee cup will suffice. LOL!
I completely agree with your thoughts on blogging. I started just over a year ago, and it's been an incredible experience so far.
I just subscribed to your blog!
Happy Partying!
Here for the party - if you could just point me to the Cheetohs, we'll be all good!
WHAT? No Cheetohs? That's it. I'm out of here.
I am loving your blog! I feel the same about blogging and the net. In fact, it helped us push for a diagnosis for my Grandson because the doctor said he had acid reflux and we researched, thought it looked like Pyloric Stenosis and went to another doctor and it was. They had to do immediate surgery. I am following your blog :)
Nice to meet you! Don't you just love the gals at 5 Minutes for Mom for throwing such a fun party?
Thanks for the entry for Sephora!
You can find me here:
Oh yeah, and I'm now a follower too!
Where do I put my coat? Just stopping by for the party! I added you to my rss reader so I'll be sure to catch all of your posts!
BTW: You have some beautiful boys!
I am stopping by from the UBP to say hello!
I agree with you, the mommy bloggers are amazing and I respect them.
I've missed you! Can't wait to hear about your trip:) I'm gonna hop on over to the blog party and see what it's all about. Hope you are getting all caught up on life stuff. I'm dreading the jet lag!
Congrats on being 5th!
My computer wouldn't let me post til early this morning.
Ahh...such is life.
I like your blog. I'm your newest follower.
Life on the homefront for me is my awesome hubby and 3 boys (28, 18, 16)
Enjoy the party!!
Nice to meet you! Loving the blog party. So nice to meet new blogging friends!
Hmmm the blog party sounds like fun, think I will have to go check it out. After I get the kids to school, of course!
So glad to meet another blogger! And I love your enthusiasm. So true about the gift card to Target. Family tends to take a front seat to our ownselves.
Wow! What a great give away. :) I have one going today too...I saw the title of your blog and had to stop by here. Being transparent or authentic (or REAL) is something God has been teaching me over the past few years...you might say it is one of my soapboxes. :) Nice to "meet" you today!!
I love your blog and agree that the mommy blogosphere is so important and amazing. Also, who doesn't LOVE sephora? It's sometimes an addiction for me.
This is fun jumping around meeting other blogging mom's through the UBP! We are important in the Blog world, so let us stand up and shout out! Nice to meet you and I will be following.
4 boys? I do not envy you. I can barley do it with the two one girl and one boy I have! Kudos to you!
Musing Mommies
Nice to meet you! and thanks for the giveaway!!
"Destructo Dog" - haha - that's awesome.
It's nice to meet you!
Hallee the Homemaker
LOVE your design! How did you get it? And I LOVE your goal of transparency - that's one of mine, too (on my blog and in life). :^)
Nice to meet you!
I'm from here:
I also have a couple giveaways up if you are interested :)
Happy UBP
I am also following you!
I love that word Mamasista! Nice to meet you. Happy Partying!
Stopping by from the UBP, nice to “meet you”!!
Stopping by from the UBP. Love the community of mom bloggers. It's so nice to have that kind of friendship, and support.
Stopping by from the UBP and following you, hope you will come by and do the same.
wow, 5 boys! I'm from a family with 4 girls. I'm not a mom blogger but love blogs - as you said, it's like a bunch of free magazines!
Party on!
Great idea for your giveaway!
Life with Colin
Nice to meet you. This is my first time at the UBP and so far I am loving it. Your blog reminds me of mine...I love the idea of being transparent! :-)
your blog is very cool that is what I love about the UBP finding blogs that I had not had the chance to check out. I signed up to follow I will be back loved what you said about honest post about being a mom.
I'm here from the party! You have the cutest boys (well . . . besides my two boys). I'm off to check out the rest of your blog! Have fun partying!
Stopping by from the blog party. Having an amazing time meeting wonderful new people like yourself.
That's so great that you ended up 5th on the list! I'm 91... and that's only because I happened to hop up to check one last time to see if the post was live! :) Happy UBP!
I'm so lucky to have you for my daughter! Can you see me??? I'm jumping up and down!!! Yeah for me:-) And another great big HAPPY"1st"BIRTHDAY to Vance!!!! aka Little Bear.
Great to meet you! I came here via the UBP! :D
You have a beautiful family!
I am here from the UBP! Great to see your blog and love your pics
Looks like you're outnumbered by the boys. Very beautiful family and blog. I surfed over from 5 Minutes for Mom. See you @ the blog party.
Stoppin' in on the #ubp10 hop!! Love your blog and I'm your newest follower!!! I love meeting new peeps!
Whoohoo! I’m linked up! I’m #584, #254 and #374!!! Oh yeah! It is going to be a fun week!!!
I love your comment that blogs are like magazines! (and free!!!!)
@Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life (http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com)
Just followed you. Your blog and family are adorable! Find more about me at http://theramblingsofaclosetwriter.blogspot.com/.
Have fun at the UBP10 this week!
Love your blog, and your party post! So nice to meet you, and hope you are having a great party so far. So much fun already!!
Love the name Brigetta! Stopping by on the UBP10 train. Family is awesome! I am a grandma, but love to hang with the Mom bloggers!
Hi I'm your newest follower from the Blog Party!!! I'm a fellow mom of 4 boys and I love reading what other moms of boys have to say. It's nice to know I'm not alone in all this! Ha! Can't wait to read more. Following you on twitter too!!
Stopping by from the Blog Hop! I am a total lover of Sephora. And you're right...if I won a Target card I'd probably either buy office supplies [because they have unbelievably cute stuff!] or clothes for the Little Guy! Looking forward to learning more about you!
Stop by if you get a chance:
So good to meet you! Lucky you being #5 on the list. By the time I'm ready, I'll probably be #805! :)
Congratz on licky #5! Its 9AM and I am like #700...holy cow!
And you so made me laugh by doing a Sephora gift card and the reason...So True!
I would have likely bought something for someone else with a TarJey card...LOL
I love <3 love Sephora.
Have a great week!
Stop by if you can =)
Stopping by from #UBP10. This is my first, so I'm trying to hop around to everyone. I can't imagine 4 boys. My niece has 3 under the age of 6 & they are bbbaaaddd!!!. I have 2 girls, so I really don't know what to do with boys.
Why are there so many mommy blogger haters out there? They really don't know what they're missing! Found you from UBP (congrats on being so close to the top, I'm #475 I think!!!)Nice to "meet" you!
Visiting from the party! Thanks for the chance to win a gift card! I am now following too.
Would love to have you visit and follow back
Hi Brigetta,
Following from UBP, and just had a look around. Loved your posts, especially the first part of the story of how God brought you to Montana! God is amazing, isn't He?
Stopping by from UBP 2010 - come see me too! http://amomstake.blogspot.com/
Would love to win! :)
Love the name of your blog. And such an awesome giveaway, I love Sephora!
I'm excited to look around more. Stop by FTSN for some peanut butter pie when you have time!
~ Michelle
Just stopping by to say "hi"! Love the header on your blog!! The 4 hands are just adorable!! Have a great week at the party!! =)
Hi Brigetta! You have darling children. Thanks for the Sephora giveaway. Feel free to come by and visit. Happy UBP10!
I love your post and can completely relate. Blogs have become my support system or sorts. I will be back to read more.
Oh, and I love what you said about your giveaway. I was thinking the same thing as I was choosing what I wanted to win.
Nice to meet you! We have a lot in common. I'm doing an unadvertised giveaway on my blog also-just some organizing stuff. I have 5 children (3 boys/ 2 girls)..
You're back! Hope you were blessed and rested and had the time of your life making memories on your trip! What fun. Can't wait to see your pics. Good for you with all the visitors...that's great! So glad you all are home safe. Happy Belated Birthday Little Bear!
Stopping by from UBP10!
So great to *meet* ya! Hope you have a great week.
Yep, there are some greats out there. I've learned and am learning tons!
I'm here from The Ultimate Blog Party. Isn't this fun! Have a great week. Stop by my blog and say hello sometime soon.
Love that you are giving a gift card to Sephora because as you guessed it I would be buying diapers, wipes, formula if it was to Target :) Nice to meet you!
This is such a great way to meet new blog friends. I look forward to returning to your blog soon. Happy Partying!
I love that you chose to do a Sephora giveaway, moms deserve pampering some time too!
Can't wait to hear about your trip! Blogging is an amazing way to meet amazing people.
Hi, I'm from UBP. Why did you move from California to Montana? I am just curious because it sounds like it would be a good move if nothing else for a lower costs of living. I have never been to Montana.
Hey thanks for the chance for the sephora card. I dig it!
Stopping by from the UBP! I love meeting people and blogging has been a delight. Sharing ideas and new friends.
I'm here for the party! I have made lots of great friends in the blog world. I just started blogging in the fall last year. It's nice to meet you :)
I'm here for the party. Mom's totally rock and I love being able to read mom bloggers thoughts, tips and tricks and ups and downs.
It's comforting to know that other moms go through the same things!
kowandamcbrde at yahoo dot com
I love the pictures!!! It was very nice to meet you. We just recently traveled through Montana on our way to Alaska. Montana is beautiful!!!
Hey Brigetta,
How fun! It was so nice to see you and thanks for your encouraging words.
Love your post! I think blogging is so wonderful. I have been blogging for several years and absolutely love it. I actually am hoping to meet in person tomorrow a fellow blogger.
Nice to meet you - love the blog! I will definitely be back!
Forget the media - mommy bloggers are awesome! Of course, I have to say that because I'm one of them, but... We. ARE. Awesome!! LOL
It is nice to meet you. I j'adore your blog design... pretty.
Love that you are doing a giveaway. I wasn't sure if we could do that, so now I think I must go edit my post!
HI! Popping in for the UBP! This is my first year and I love discovering all the new blogs I didn't know about!
4 Boys! Wow!
Stopping by from UBP. Love your giveaway because you are right a Target one would go towards kids cloths.
I'm a new follower from UBP10. It's very nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward to reading your blog. Great giveaway too!
I'm just now finding you through UBP. What a great story, moving to Montana. I'm intrigued! I love your blog and will be following. :)
Hello! This is my first visit to your blog...here for the UBP. Love the look of your blog. Enjoy the week party-hopping!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Love your blog new follower.
Dropping in from UBP10, I'm loving your blog and hope to read more in the future!
Great to meet you! Well put about all of the benefits of blogging!
Happy UBP! This is my second year blogging and I LOVE it! I'm a mom but not a mom blogger, mostly I write and post about aromatherapy, natural medicine, and tips for Dr.Moms to keep the family healthy.
Hope you will stop by Oils For Wellness sometime.
Blessings, Jen
Found your blog through UBP10!! What a beautiful group of boys. I'm new to blogging so I'm hopping around a lot this week to get ideas from other mom bloggers. Feel free to check out my blog at www.WorkingMomsNetwork.com and let me know what you think. Have a great weekend.
how extremely awesome of you to have a special giveaway attached to your post. and mucho bonus points for knowing us mamas so well that we would buy something for our family if you made it accesible! you have earned yourself a new reader :)
Love sephora and am jealous of your #5 spot! I'm currently the last person on the list! :)
I am dropping by to say Hey! I am SO Excited about this blog Party! It is gonna be a blast!
Please feel free to stop buy http://www.gigglingkids.blogspot.com
Stopping by from the UBP10 to say hello and so glad to meet you! I love your blog and look forward to reading more. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'm a non-blogger (write for a living, so that's enough for me!) and am here for the party - how lovely of you go give away a $50 Sephora gift card too!
Great to meet you! I am loving UBP! Congrats on being #5! I am following you now look forward to reading your posts!
I just stopped by to check out the party and I'm sure glad I did. You have a lovely blog & I'm now following you. I live just East of Sacramento, CA and if it was not for my family being here, I might just pack up my family and move too! This is my first blog party. I'm not a blogger yet, but I love reading blogs and entering giveaways when I'm not working. Have a Happy Blog Party & it was great to have to have the opportunity to check your blog out.
Nice to meetcha!
Happy Blog Partay!
Happy party week!! So nice to "meet" you! Sephora is awesome!
Just "party hopping!" So nice to "meet you" :)
Wow, 4 boys!!! My two boys keep me busy, can't imagine 2 more ;)
Visit my part post at:
What a smart mama you are! I love your blog.
The Sephora idea...brilliant! You know us mama's well. We'd certainly spend it on someone besides us.
Can't wait to snoop around in your posts!
UBP is so cool!
I spend way too much time at Sephora - but it is well worth it :D
awesome giveaway!
Nice to meet you too. I love Sephora. I have had the same experience in my first year. The blog world is an amazing and addicting place.
Hi! Just dropping by from the UBP. Nice blog!
You're upfront and honest and it doesn't get any better than that!! Oh...and I love Sephora too. The first time I ever went to Sephora was in NYC with my husband. Now we have one in a nearby mall right here in Southern California. Happy UBP!!
I think that blogging is a fantastic way for Moms to express themselves, connect with other moms, and make their opinions known. As a reader, it's so nice to hear other mom's experiences, and know that what I'm going through isn't so terribly unique.
Hi there - so glad I stopped in from the UBP and found you, now a new follower. Your boys are sooooo adorable! I have two girls so I can't imagine what it must be like with all that testosterone in the house! Looking forward to reading more. Please stop by http://figmentsofamom.blogspot.com if you get a chance.
Stephanie @ Figments
Hi! It is so nice to meet you. I love your blog. Stop by my way if you get a chance.
Visiting through UBP links!!! So glad to have found you. I am one who strives to be authentic and transparent as well, and I have four kids too :) Following your blog!
Congrats on being 5th on the list! LOL So glad I hopped to your blog. Can't wait to get to know you better. I am following along on your adventures now!!
I arrived via the Ultimate Blog Party and this is so fun! I'm glad I came to visit your site and I plan to keep coming back! I'm amazed at 4 boys - they must keep your life exciting!!
charmtime at gmail dot com
Love your blog!! Following you now! Momma of four kiddies here too!!!
You're right there are some amazing mommies out there blogging. Glad I had a chance to stop by during the UBP.
I'd love to be entered into your giveaway too. That's so sweet of you.
Nice blog you have here! UBP hopping!
Blog hopping from the UBP. Love your kids nicknames - very cute. Hoep you will stop by my blog www.sugarplumtreasures.com
I love how you describes blogs like magazines, and your reasoning for picking Sephora. You're right, I would've spent Target on someone else, lol. I love your blog and I'm a new follower!
My Party Post: http://christy-newblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/welcome-to-party.html
Great to meet you! I'm stopping by from the UBP...You've got a beautiful family and your blog is fab!
Nice to meet ya! Your kids are adorable. :) This is my first time partying -- it's so fun!
Megret :)
Nice to meet you. Love your blog and excited to find you. Sephora is great and how nice of you to giveaway a prize. :)
I'll see you around, okay?
How sweet of you to do a giveaway! Enter me for sure! LoL. Happy Blog Party and here's my party post if you get a chance: http://christianfrugalmama.blogspot.com/2010/04/ultimate-blog-party-2010.html
I'd love your input on my new carnival Mom Monday! :) Have a fantastic weekend!
Hi from NY where it is winter again! I am enjoying visiting all the wonderful blogs on the UBP. I hope you are too!
I have never tried Sephora. I'm always afraid that if I go to god, expensive makeup... I'll just have an expensive habit to feed. LOL!
But I did talk to a makeup artist recently, who did my face for a wedding and she basically said that you'll get addicted, but that it's a good thing. That you can totally tell the difference between good makeup and grocery store makeup....
So, good choice in giveaways!!
Cute blog! And LUCKY number in the list. Lotsa fun, lotsa traffic!
Happy Partying!
$30 to spend on moi! Sephora = Smiles!
comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com
Hi! I am so glad I found you on the blog party! I love Sephora! I hope you will follow me as well. It will be great to follow the in's and out's of your life. :)
Just saying "HEY!" from the UBP10!
I just know I'm going to have to dig right into your blog - I don't have 4 boys - but I've got 2 and sometimes 3 depending on the way my husband is acting on any given day. Looking forward to some good reading!
Nice to meet you! I love reading blogs to find out how other moms do it. Thanks!
So glad to have found the party! Looking forward to reading more, and hey a gc to Sephora- ultimate fun store!!
Evelyn from http://adventureofsuperspice.com
Happy UBP!! Its so good to meet you!! Have a wonderful weekend!
Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)
So nice to meet you! I couldn't agree more with you on how wonderful the community of mom bloggers are! I love your blog and I am a follower now!
Just stopping in from the UBP! :-) Love the nicknames... especially Destructo Dog :-p
Stopping by from JustDoingMyBest.com. Welcome to the party! I love how you described blogs as a giant, endless magazine. So true!
Love the way you think, because your right that's way we'd all buy if we went to Target. :)
Theresa N
Stopping by from UBP!!! I love you blog and I am now a follower and subscriber. I love to find other women and blogs that share a little of the same things as myself. I am a mom to 3 little boys all under 5! :) Call me crazy that I actually want one more sometimes! I look forward to hopefully building a connection with you.
Hi there! I'm visiting from the UBP'10. It's great to get a chance to drop by all of these awesome blogs! Very encouraging for us newbie bloggers:) Have a great day!
Just dropping in from UBP10 to show some bloggy love!! I'm having such a blast. 4 boys I bow to you!! I gave you a follow and plan to come back! Hope to see you around.
Nice to meet your blog! Stopping by from UBP. I hope you come over and visit.
I love your giveaway! How could I have not known about giveaways! :)
4 boys! I bet you have loads of fun! I have two young ones myself...and well, they keep me on my toes! :)
Happy Blog Hop'n!
My first blog party! I am so excited!
hi brigetta! stopping by from the ubp. 4 boys? bless you lol! glad to be introduced to your site and i'm definitely a follower now! feel free to stop by alabaster cow any time!
How cool that you are #5 on the list! I am way in the thousands I think. I am a mom of three girls so I am sure our households have a lot of differences, but kids in any house = chaos. LOL
I am linking up with http://unforgettablechildhood.com, my comments are linkng back to my other blog. Hope you have a great party.
Awesome blog! I stopped in from the party. I enjoyed reading some of your posts and seeing your pics. Adorable children and a great photographer! I laughed out loud at the pic of your baby with the in-n-out burger. That was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I also have 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl, ages 6,4,3,2. I love to see other medium to large families having so much fun. It reminds me to do the same. Thanks.
Your pictures are beautiful! I really enjoyed looking at your blog and would love to follow you! Thanks!
I am blog hopping from USB! I love your blog! I am from Montana, but now I live in Alaska! I have 4 kids ages 7-1, but I have 3 girls and our little sweet boy :) Thanks for the giveaway!
we're an aspiring medium sized family too! Enjoying the UBP!
just stopping by from the UBP 2010 and LOVE your blog. Cute kids and i love the story of the move to Montana.
Your family reads a lot like mine. I have 4 boys and 1 girl and life can be soooo much fun sometimes. (pun intended LOL)
please take a min to stop by my blog and leave a comment or two.
party on
I have read your blog for awhile now, and I just LOVE it! Your transparency is refreshing, and your boys are so cute! This party was so fun, although I will never make it around to all of the blogs!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Stopping by for the party. Love the blogs. Your boys are so cute and handsome! Plus I never miss an opportunity to win a Sephora gc! Nice to meet you :)
I’m a homeschooling SAHM of two littles (3 and 1.5). I’m a born-again Christian, and I’m currently getting my MA in Ministry! I'm not your typical "Mommy Blogger", but I love reading them just the same. Just stopping by during the UBP! Happy Partying! :)
SO SO nice to meet you! I too, believe in blogging mommies! Such an outlet, such a great tool!
I'm a new follower to your blog :-) Nice to meet ya!
Come check out Ordinary Inspirations here:
I'd love to win the giveaway!
Yea for funky timing! How great "High 5" on the list! ;0)
Loved your post... I am a mom of 2 (10 and 13) and was attracted to the name of your blog ... Mine is Coming Clean: Confessions of an Imperfect Parent, so somehow I though we'd click! ;0)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sephora, so you are truly a girl after my own heart!
Happy Partying! ;0) Following now!
I love being a part of the Mommy Blogging Community!!! Nice to meet you!!!
I'm Jackie from www.monkey-mayhem.net
Being a mom of boys has been a 14 year journey that I have loved and learned. Great visit from UBP.
Love your pictures and blog. I am looking forward to reading your blog and seeing some pictures of Montana. I hear it is beautiful.
Hello! Nice to meet you... love your blog! I am now following via Google Friend Connect! Look forward to visiting again! Love your names for your family! Very cute.
Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party '10 post!
Visiting from UBP, newest google follower and looking forward more posts.
My post is @ http://lifeisasandcastle.blogspot.com/2010/04/ultimate-blog-party-5-minutes-for-moms.html
Visiting from UBP, newest google follower and looking forward more posts.
My post is @ http://lifeisasandcastle.blogspot.com/2010/04/ultimate-blog-party-5-minutes-for-moms.html
Nice to meet you!
I agree, I love bloging, it keeps me sane... Happy Blog Hopping!
Four boys....how blessed you are.
Very nice to meet you!
Hi! Nice to "meet" you!
Great pics of your boys- you are one blessed mama!
Hi there!! It is very nice to meet you!! I cannot stand the way that mommy blogging has gotten a bad rap. We put ourselves out there and put our opinions out for the world to read and people attack us for it. UGH!! Personally, I have gotten plenty of support and good advice because of blogging.
I am so glad to be joining the party with you! I am now a followr and a twetter with you! I am on the UBP Prize list too! Stop by when you get a chance to enter my giveaway at www.justjewelrybyjessica.com and my other site www.miamamiah.com! Have a great week!
Stopping by to say hi for UBP10! Happy Partying!
Surfed over from the UBP...will definitely follow. I'm sure you'll have boy-raising advice for this girl that comes from a female-majority (by FAR) family. Enjoy the party!
Hi there! Just popping in from the UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week! Swing by my blog when you get a chance!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
What a great blog... the top picture says it all. And number five on the list... you ROCK!
Happy bp!
Hi Brigetta! Nice to meet you. I'm visiting your blog via UBP.I'm following your lovely blog now:) Hope to see you around my blog sometime.
Happy Partying!
4 boys...how fun!! :)
Hope you are having fun at the UBP!
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :)
and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
Hope you are having fun at the UBP!
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
found your blog thru UPB, you have a great writing style, and love your resoning for the giveaway. Loved reading your post about your trip to Ireland, we went 2 years ago on vacation(bus tour) and I hope to get to enjoy the experience again on a more personal level someday.
Forgot to say, great pictures, loved to post about meeting a new friend from home while on vacation and I now have become a follower:)
Nice to meet you :) Just stopping in to say hello.
Hi nice to meet you! I agree I've met some awesome people because of blogging!
And I love Sephora!!
Just passing by via UBP to wish you a merry Monday ♥
running around bloggyland tonight. Fun to stop here!
Stopping in to say HI! I have three boys and a girl so I understand "boy madness" very well! I love your whole take on begin authentic....something I love to represent as well on my blog. Stop in if you get the chance!
Dropping by from the UBP! Love your blog. Your boys are too cute and with a housefull of boys I am sure you have lots of adventures to blog about.
Check out my blog www.rockingtheminivan.blogspot.com
Stopping by from the UBP10. What a cute site! I like the yellow. I'm intrigued about your story regarding your move to MT. I'll be back!
What a terrific blog you have! I really enjoyed my visit. I'd love to have that Sephora gift certificate! Hope you'll stop by and visit me when you can.
happy ubp! lovely blog :)
hi nice to meet you I am out and about party hopping tonight if you get a chance stop by my party sometime :-)http://www.livelaughlovewiththeponderingprincess.com/2010/04/ultimate-blog-party-lets-party.html
OOOOOOOOOOh Sephora, what a great idea! :) So nice to meet you here at the party!
Oh ... following you! :)
Hi Brigetta!
I'm doing some blog hopping from the UBP and found you on the list. Your 4 boys are so adorable! I love the picture of the baby in the bowl. Too cute!
I forgot to add I'm now following you and can't wait to read more about your wonderful family! Happy UBP!
Stopping by from UBP10. Your site is great. Now following. Have a great week.
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