I have to keep a pretty close eye on him. I was trying to finish doing my hair when I realized he was heading for the door. The problem is that just beyond the door, there is a staircase that leads down to the family room. He is a pro at climbing up stairs, and though I have tried to show him that going backwards is the best way down, he still wants to go head first.
There was a simple solution- I closed the door.
Then I noticed that he was heading toward the bathroom door, which was open and lead to a toilet lid he also likes to open.
Another simple solution- I closed the door.
Then I wondered-
Is this what God does with us? Does he follow us around, see if we are wise enough not to go unprepared through an open door? When we try, does he then close it? Do we whine and whimper and complain that the door has been closed? Do we realize that it was closed to protect us from falling head first into a harmful situation? A situation that we had not the skills or maturity to maneuver through?
Do we try to open it anyway and then must he put us in the dreaded exer-saucer so that we are safe?
Oh, wait. That's what I did with Little Bear.
How do you react or respond when a door closes?

I guess look for another door? Oh the lessons we can learn from our kiddos.
Back from paradise. Thought of you on the road to Hana. Never found your falls. We only made it half-way. Our weather was beautiful. What a wonderful trip!!
I guess you keep looking for another open door!
I have a little man that is doing the same thing... except he's running instead of crawling and pulling on everything in his reach!
I feel your pain... and have been closing a lot of doors in my house these days!
Well, sometimes I pout and cry and blame and pretty much act awful. Why? Is that wrong?
Just kidding. I mean, I really do act that way sometimes, so I'm not kidding about that. But I'm working on trust and trying to let go of anxiety and my agenda.
I love this analogy. When a door is closed in my face I tend to have a hissy fit and tell everyone I know how I've been wronged. Nice, huh?
Or we work to open the door and God puts on one of those safety door things. Then we work so hard to pull it off, break it apart, and He duct tapes it on which really makes us mad. All the while unaware that there is another door with much better things for us across the room. Some of us learn the harder way. Enjoy your blog! I have 3 boys of my own.
I have always said "When one door closes, another will open" usually a better one if you allow yourself to recognize the difference. God works in mysterious ways....See the blessing in little bear to give this lesson....
Thanks Brigetta,
Very good lesson...
Now if we(I) would trust God...
when that door is closed and not be mad about it.
Mommy 2
I love this analogy! And the exersaucer thing made me laugh. Thanks for the reminder that everything happens for a reason and in concordance to God's plan for our lives!
Humorous insight into this big mystery in life! Hopefully, if I'm not ready for that open door, I'll look for something to explore in the place where I'm at... like a good book :)
I have two words for you transparent mama:
temper tantrum.
Oh, My Jesus, shut the doors and never you mind my caterwauling!
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