Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Destructo Dog's New Love

There is a new dog in town. 
Destructo Dog may just have given up her notorious ways.

She is well known in these parts for tearing apart packages, chewing plastic toys to bits, dismantling snowmen and beheading stuffed animals and pulling out their entrails. 
She was ruthless in these endeavors.

But, look what love can do.


She found this little stuffed bear and has fallen in love.
She carries it gently in her mouth around the house and sleeps with it under her neck.

The bear's eyes, ears and nose are still intact as is the sweet little red bow.


We watch her in amazement. 
Where did that terrorizer of all toys great and small disappear to?


Now we just need to name the little stuffed bear. 
We can't exactly call him the little bear. 
Any suggestions? 

Fred is always a good one. 


Anonymous said...
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Foursons said...

Oh my goodness, how funny/sweet/cute is that?! How 'bout Cali in honor of your first love?

Farmgirl Paints said...

That is really sweet. How about valentine? Kind of looks like a valentine bear:)

petiteblogger said...

Cute pics! You pup reminds me of our 1 1/2 yr old black lab.
For a name- how about "Lucky"? I think it's a pretty lucky little bear to not get eaten up!

campbell6 said...

I was gonna say snowflake but I really think Lucky was a good pick!

Brigetta's Mom said...

Molly Bear:-)