Monday, August 30, 2010

Starting Up Again

It was a big day today. The kids all started school and we had two big milestones.

Mister Luke is in fifth grade and started middle school. He has a locker and gym class and a school with 8th graders in it. Be still my heart. And Toots is officially a Kindergartner.  He is very proud of this fact. Jackie Boy is in fourth grade and now in the oldest group on the elementary school campus.


So they are starting up again- with waking early, a structured day, homework, packed lunches and projects.

This means I get to start up my more structured days again. I will be back blogging.  I've missed you.  And I need to get my bootie back to the gym. Perhaps the laundry and house cleaning will be done on a more regular basis. This is not a promise- not that you care! It will be good. I will get things done. Routine can be dare I say healthy!

But my dear SUMMER, please know that I enjoyed our days on the lake, eating dinner at nine, the huckleberry shakes, hikes in the mountains, sleeping in until nine, staying in my pajamas as long as I could and our coffee in the morning on the deck overlooking the lake. I will be desperate for you again come April.


Farmgirl Paints said...

Oh I'm Tuesday. I've missed routine too. I've missed selfishly I'm glad you'll be blogging again:)

Foursons said...

So is Toots like extra tall? How come he's almost as tall as the other boys?

I too love the new routine and like you will be wishing it away come April. But it is nice for awhile!

MamaMonki said...

We've been back for two weeks now - I'm glad to be back in a routine and getting out of the house everyday- but our new school hours make for a rough morning. Teachers have to be there by 7am which means WeeMan and I have to be heading out the door by 6:30 at the latest. Neither of us is a fan of mornings!