Once upon a time, I used to think that bed and breakfasts were only for couples. That if you brought children, it would ruin the ambiance for everyone else.
But, now I have discovered that they are a fabulous lodging alternative for families with many children.
If you have ever searched on Expedia or hotels.com for lodging for a family of six, then you know that you always have to get two hotel rooms and it is either scary because sometimes the rooms are not adjoining or it can be very expensive.
Bed and Breakfasts are my new saving grace in this area.
This summer, we took a trip to Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
We stayed at the fabulous Cedar Farm Bed and Breakfast.
It is located in Athol, Idaho.
yes, I am completely immature and the name of the town makes me giggle.
Let me give you a tour.
We stayed in what they call the bunkhouse.
It was like having our own log cabin complete with sleeping for eight, a washer and dryer and a full kitchen for only $125 a night.
It is a little rustic, but we loved it.
There were no television sets or video games, but there was "Sorry"- one of my favorite board games.
And there was a swinging bed which was a hit with the kids.
This was the view from the kitchen window.
That is the house that Al and Daryl live in.
They are this lovely couple who own the place.
They have plans to start horse therapy for kids and
have adopted seven children of different races over the years.
They have hearts of servants and we were honored to meet them.
They also had a garden
and a barn where we were able to hang out with chickens
and ponies.
The tire swing kept the boys busy
and we were allowed to pick raspberries from the bushes
and eat them.
They were delicious and it was such a treat.
It may not have had a minibar or a tv or a pool or a spa,
but staying at Cedar Farm
had something even better.

Did you ever see Maid of Honor? There's a scene that would crack you up that made me think of the name of that town;)
I can't believe how cheap that place was. Looked like so much fun. I have a soft spot in my heart for Idaho after Brave Girl Camp. It was just gorgeous!
so great! those type of places are really popular in germany...and they are so affordable as well.
Looks amazing. I'm going to have to search for some places like that in surrounding states.
That looks like so much fun. We too have had great success with cabin type accomodations and very often they are as affordable or more so then a hotel. Plus, they don't look at you with horror when you tell them how many kids you have (I've frightened many a desk clerk along the way!) Take care (and thanks for your "visit" the other day!)
no way.
this place is amazing! i love it.
my kids would love it.
too bad i doubt we will ever get to idaho....but you never know!
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