Saturday, April 23, 2011

Under His Covering

This week our church hosted a Seder dinner, defined as a Jewish ritual service and ceremonial dinner for the first night or first two nights of Passover. Tables were set with real plates, silver and large wine glasses. The boys each wore a paper kip pah on their heads. We broke unleavened bread and passed it around, tasting bitter herbs and then bitter herbs mixed with sweets. We dipped parsley in salt water and chewed. Each food was symbolic of Israel's history. 

A mother and father figurehead were at each table, playing the traditional roles. The father walked around the table and poured fresh water over our hands to wash. Then, broke and passed the unleavened bread. The Mother lit the candles, recited scripture and refilled the wine (juice) carafe when needed. 

Prayers were said in Hebrew and because the man leading the Seder is the funniest man in our church, many jokes were told. A history of Israel was recited as part of the tradition. My children were starving and the only food on the table besides the masa (which they couldn't touch yet) was celery and carrots. They have never eaten so many vegetables in their life.

One of my favorite parts was when the children went forward to stand under a the prayer robe held up by the fathers. They held it over them symbolically covering them in prayer as a prayer was said. 

It was a long dinner, but the boys enjoyed the ceremony, the ritual, the symbolism and finding some hidden masa bread wrapped in a napkin for a golden coin. They learned to remember what was done for them; how the lamb's blood placed on the doors saved the Israelites. 

Good Friday was yesterday, the day we remember that the perfect lamb was slain so we could be passed over too. And today as I drove in the car with Toots, he asked- What if Jesus had never come? I asked him what he thought and his response was - There would be no churches and stuff. 

I loved this answer because I always go to the spiritual ramifications with questions like that. But, what about the physical world? How different would the world, the US, this little town be if Jesus had never come. 

Just off the bat, I pictures all those churches vanished, all the crosses used in jewelry and logos gone, no Christmas, no Easter, no ministries building homes or delivering shoe boxes full of gifts to the poor, no Christian camps. 

And I think then how grateful I am that he did come. That he put on flesh to dwell with us. That whatever happens in this life, He has me covered. 

Have a blessed day tomorrow. 


Brigetta's Mom said...

We are BLESSED with him. And I am Blessed with such a beautiful loving family! Happy Easter.

Fliterary said...

Love this post, Brigetta!

Blessings to you, sweet one!