Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Montana Weather- A Metaphor For Life

Yesterday, it was beautiful. Eighty-one degrees was the forecasted high. And on days like that in Montana, everyone is outside— on their porches, running, biking, playing. 

So, instead of heading to the gym, I decided to take a run in the hood. I got my music ready, my sunglasses on and headed out. Three blocks in, the single cloud in the sky (that's a picture of it)  covered the sun. I felt a drop of wetness hit my hand and for a moment thought I'd been hit with a bird bomb. Then there was another and another. It was officially raining. 

Side Note- It was the only time it would rain all day. And this is not the first time the weather has done this to me. I once walked the three blocks to my son's school with Little Bear in the stroller to pick him up. The sun was shining when I left. On the way back, a huge storm rolled in and we walked back in a swirling, whirling, snowstorm. I mean, it was windy and pelting us all the way home. I'm sure I looked ridiculous dragging the stroller backwards, pushing through the snow. Now, back to my run... 

Here's my brain-

Seriously? It's raining right now. During the 20 minutes I decide to run... it's raining. Okay, I'll just stand under this big pine and wait it out.  Should I call HH and have him pick me up?

Wait, what am I doing under this tree? I've seen women running during snowstorms. People here hike ridiculous peaks to ski fresh powder. Toughen up girl. Get out there in the rain and run!

So I started to run in the rain. It wasn't cold. It didn't hurt. It was just a little wet. And you know what? It was fun and it was lovely in its own way.

Then the rain passed and the sun came out again and I kept going as Francesca Battistelli sang to me on Pandora—

Now there’s a joy inside I can’t contain
But even perfect days can end in rain
And though it’s pouring down
I see You through the clouds
Shining on my face

Like sunlight burning at midnight
Making my life something so
Beautiful, beautiful
Mercy reaching to save me
All that I need
You are so
Beautiful, beautiful

And then I realized it was supposed to rain during my run. That I needed it to rain during my run. Because the last weeks had been hard on me. 

The last weeks had me trying to pull myself out of the rain when perhaps I had been trying too hard— wanting to wait under the big pine until it passed or circumvent it all together. 

And things were okay. In fact, things were beautiful... before the rain, in the midst of the rain, and in the sunshine that followed.

Because regardless of circumstances ( and really, mine are nothing big), when mercy reaches to save you, all you can feel is joy that can't be contained.

Could you say a prayer for a husband and son lost the dearest woman in their lives yesterday? She had an aneurism and massive stroke a few days ago and passed away yesterday. Her teenage son is now without his mother. And she was one of those women who had no pretenses, was kind and frank at the same time, and served her community generously. She's a California mom who is a friend of my sis. Thanks!


*Reading Between the Lines* said...

Praying for the husband and son.

Farmgirl Paints said...

So glad your back. Missed these posts. Lifting them up now.

Lena said...

Hoping everything is going well for you. There is always sunshine, above the clouds, we just need to go higher to see it. :)

Foursons said...

Glad you found some peace while running in the rain.