First, she forgets the most important thing. She forgets to go into the boys rooms at night and leave money under their pillows. Mr. Baseball has saved her from complete shame many a time. After consoling crying children, he has suddenly found money where moments before there was none or has come up with ideas for places where the tooth fairy may have hidden the money.
Can you believe the audacity? The tooth fairy hiding the money she leaves for the tooth! What has happened to her that she has resorted to such trickery?
Grandparents have also had to come to her rescue so that her reputation will not totally be soiled. One time, she put the money in the motor home where the grandparents were sleeping instead of under the pillow where the tooth was left. It makes no sense that she would do such a thing! She must be losing her mind or desperately need glasses if she actually thought that my child was sleeping in the motor home when he was obviously in his own bed.
She also has no idea what to do with the notes. Sometimes she writes one back in this crazy curly cue writing, sometimes she leaves the note there and sometimes she just takes it with no response. She needs some lessons in tooth fairy etiquette.
Oh, and I must tell you that the amounts she leaves must be some type of bribe for all of the hassle and heartache she causes my children. Mister Baseball thinks it is ridiculous that one tooth would warrant $5.00. But, to her defense, she sometimes does leave some cool coins.
Perhaps she needs some medication to keep her more awake and alert for all of her middle of the night escapades.
Maybe I'll put some out for her next time, kinda like putting cookies out for Santa!

You are seriously SOOOO cute! I love the way that you express yourself. Such an adorable story. You really should put the reigns on this toothfairy...at least teach her proper so that she doesn't mess up at my house!
HA! That just happened at our house. That darned tooth fairy. She really needs to get her act together.
Sounds like we have the same tooth fairy! Although, my tooth fairy leaves the notes in my drawers.
I love this one girl... can so relate! I went to the post office and got change for a 20 in the stamp machine once trying to avoid this after her many blunders...... They give you the $1 coins (gold) as change and i thought I'm just gonna keep a stash... this worked for a while until i ran out. Then bad tooth fairy showed up again... I remember thinking i have to do it right when they put the tooth under their pillows... I would love on them and give them a great big hug and then conveniently straighten their pillow leaving the $ right then and there... then I wouldn't forget later. This helped for a while until she got sidetracked again... Bad Tooth Fairy! Oh well, She did try hard :) Just glad the tooth fairy is done visiting our home... Just tooo much pressure! love you
Personally, I am suing the Tooth Fairy for mental distres...
our tooth fairy leaves teeny tiny notes and her name is Nerissa. Tooth fairies are not perfect, so cut yours some slack, LOL
The Tooth Fairy hasn't visited our house yet. But I imagine when she does she's going to cause a few problems.
Oh, I'm stopping by from SITs :)
Very Cute. My 5 y.o. Daughter has her first loose tooth. Mommy created 2 crocheted pouches shaped as a tooth for her and her brother. The Tooth Fairy sees it hanging from the bedroom door.
Stopping by to share the love...Happy Saturday Sharefest!
What a sweet, sweet entry. I went back and read your entries about Destructo Dog.... I think her brother lives at our house! Thanks for the laugh!
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